Total Southern Pines Home Flea Control Services
Within 24 hours of your call to Terminix®, a Southern Pines flea exterminator will be at your home. They will apply a powerful, effective one-time flea treatment to get rid of fleas in and around your home. Our treatment products kill fleas and have growth regulators built into them, so fleas are eliminated for good! In most cases, this single treatment is enough to eliminate the problem.

You can prepare your Southern Pines, NC home for a Terminix® flea treatment by following these steps:
- Vacuum all carpets and floors prior to our arrival
- Pick up all toys and other objects in the flea treatment area
- All people and pets must be out of area to be treated
As with all our pest control services, our Southern Pines home flea control is backed by a 100% ultimate protection guarantee. If your flea problem comes back, Terminix® will provide free, unlimited re-treatments for as long as you maintain your residential or commercial pest control contract!
To learn more about our home flea treatment methods, call 1-800-BUGS-911 (800-284-2911) today and schedule a free initial consultation!